This week I made an important addition to my tool kit. In the past I’ve focused primarily on ways to streamline backend development using tools like django_compressor, Sentry, and Fabric. More recently, however, I’ve taken a turn and began focusing on ways to bring my frontend up to speed.

My initial focus was on incorporating new tools and resources like SASS, HTML5, Markdown and microdata (blog posts to follow). I’d like to focus here, though, on my latest addition, Jade.

Jade is a HTML preprocessor that dramatically reduces the bloat and messiness of your code. It uses indented syntax(hey, kind of like Python!) and is extremely easy to learn. Also, thanks to some terrific work by Syrus Akbary who ported Jade to Python, it integrates easily with Django.

To get the full experience you will need PyJade by Syrus, and the Python Markdown library (if you plan to use Markdown, which I highly recommend). Both are available on PyPi.

pip install Markdown
pip install pyjade

Install pygments also if you plan on publishing code—see my post on syntax highlighting with Markdown.

Enabling Jade couldn’t be easier. PyJade comes with a Django “extension” which features a template loader. The loader wraps your existing loaders. This allows PyJade to do the Jade preprocessing first, before handing the template off to the usual suspects. All it takes a simple modification to your TEMPLATE_LOADERS variable.

    ('pyjade.ext.django.Loader', (

With the loader in place, any ‘.jade’ template you use in Django will be intercepted by PyJade and preprocessed. Here is an example “base.jade”:

!!! 5
            block title
                | My Website
            h1 My Website
                a(href!='{% url home %}') Home
                a(href!='{% url blog:index %}') Blog
                a(href!='{% url about %}') About Me
            block content
                p Welcome to my website
            p All content copyright by me.

Then I can do an about page. First, in

from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template

urlpatterns = patterns('',
        {'template': 'about.jade'}, 

And create about.jade which might look something like this:

extends base

block title
    | About Me

block content
            h1 About Me
            This is a page about me.  Be sure to check
            out my [Facebook Profile][1] where I post lots
            of crazy pictures!


Because Jade is so easy to learn and use, the time investment really pays off. I personally love how it feels sort of Pythonic with regards to indented syntax, and kicking out templates has certainly received a speed boost!