Setting up a database server is usually the first step when deploying a web framework stack. This is the second of three documents showing how to get Django up and running with Gentoo.



Using Gentoo Linux to run PostgreSQL is a great marriage of technologies ready to meet and exceed the demands of most web applications. Getting up and running is a breeze, and thanks to Gentoo’s Portage packaging system, you can run multiple major versions of Postgres seamlessly on the same machine. This document describes the basic PostgreSQL server installation requirements you should have in place when preparing to deploy a Django project. Note this only describes the database server side of Postgres.





If Postgres will be running on a separate server from your applications, you will have to open the Postgres port on your firewall. If Postgres is running on the same machine as your applications, you can skip this section.

Edit both /etc/iptables.up.config and /etc/ip6tables.up.config adding this line somewhere before the final “reject all” line:

# PostgreSQL server
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 5432 -j ACCEPT

Save and restart iptables:

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.config
ip6tables-restore < /etc/ip6tables.up.config
/etc/init.d/iptables save
/etc/init.d/ip6tables save
/etc/init.d/iptables restart
/etc/init.d/ip6tables restart


Install Postgres

The portage package with default USE flags is appropriate for our installation, so just emerge Postgres.

emerge dev-db/postgresql-server

Since Django and most other web frameworks are pushing everything to be UTF-8 encoded, it’s best if the database server starts doing so from the beginning. Before creating a database, find and change (or add if missing) a line in /etc/conf.d/postgresql-9.1.


Now create a database. The exact command for this depends on the version of Postgres that got installed, and portage will have outputted the command needed. If this is lost in your console history, you can always retrieve it from the logs:

grep "config =dev-db/postgres" /var/log/portage/elog/summary.log

As of this writing, the current version of Postgres installed on a stable hardened profile is 9.1.4, so the command run is this:

emerge --config =dev-db/postgresql-server-9.1.4

This sets up a fresh database in /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/ called data. Now make any edits you need to /etc/postgresql-9.1/postgresql.conf. The defaults are probably fine, I just make sure the following are set:

lc_messages = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_monetary = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_numeric = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_time = 'en_US.UTF-8'

Finally, if this server will be separate from the application server, you will need to explicitly tell Postgres to allow connections form your application server. In /etc/postgresql-9.1/postgresql.conf, be sure that the listen_addresses variable contains the IP address postgres should listen on. e.g.:

listen_addresses = 'localhost,'

Additional security-related configurations are found in /etc/postgresql-9.1/pg_hba.conf. If needed, add this line toward the bottom (substituting your application server’s IP address):

host  all  all  156.123.456.12  trust

Now, just start the database server and tell Gentoo to start it on boot.

/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.1 start
rc-update add postgresql-9.1 default


Install PostGIS Extensions

PostGIS is a set of spatial extensions to support geographic objects in PostgreSQL. There is a chance you may not need this right away, but it is extremely handy to have readily available when you do. I recommend installing these extensions whether you foresee actually using them or not.

First, install the GDAL dependency:

emerge gdal -avq

Before installing PostGIS, I find that it helps to “version lock” the installation as a major upgrade may break your applications without some TLC. To do this, find the current version Portage is installing here and add an appropriate line to /etc/portage/package.mask. I use PostGIS 1.5.3, but PostGIS was recently upgraded to 2.0. This breaks my applications, so I want to hold off on that upgrade for now. I added this line to /etc/portage/package.mask:


which tells Portage not to install any version of PostGIS equal to or greater than 2.0.0. Now, emerge PostGIS.

emerge postgis -avq

As you’ll probably see in the output, PostGIS requires some painless configuration before it is ready to be installed into your database. Find and edit these two lines in /etc/postgis_dbs:


Install PostGIS into your database; like Postgres, the exact command here depends on the exact version of PostGIS you installed. If you forgot, just run:

grep "config =dev-db/postgis" /var/log/portage/elog/summary.log

For me, the command is:

emerge --config =dev-db/postgis-1.5.3-r1

With PostGIS now installed, you will will be able to create “spatially enabled” databases using createdb -T template_postgis mydb. For more information, see the PostGIS documentation.


Create Super Users

It makes life easier if each system user using Postgres has a corresponding Postgres superuser. The two primary users of Postgres on my machine are dustin (my personal account) and web for web applications.

usermod -aG postgres dustin
usermod -aG postgres web
su - postgres
createuser -s dustin
createuser -s web

Now, when you switch two either of these accounts, you can run administrative commands (createdb, dropdb, etc..) painlessly.



If all went well, you now have a running PostgreSQL server ready to start accepting connections. If you have any issues getting of the ground, feel free to comment here and/or email me.
